A Little Ghost

Here is a free knitting pattern for you to make a tiny ghost. The finished item is only a few inches tall, although this is easily customised.

You will need:

  • 2.5mm needles for working flat

  • 2 ply/lace weight yarn

  • jewellery wire for the base

  • sharpie for drawing on the eyes


Cast on 40 stitches

Beginning with a knit row, work 10 rows in stocking stitch.

Decrease row: [K6, k2tog] across the row (35 sts)

Purl one row.

Beginning with a knit row, work 6 rows in stocking stitch.

Decrease row: [K5, k2tog] across the row (30 sts)

Beginning with a purl row, work in stocking stitch until piece measures approximately 2.5 inches from cast on edge. Optional: as you get close to the final length you can intentionally drop one or two sts to create some laddered fabric. In the ghost pictured I dropped 2 sts in total so that my decrease rows would still be easy to work.

Next Row: [K2tog] across the row.

Final Row: [P2tog] across the row.

Break yarn and thread your yarn tail onto a small tapestry needle, pull through all remaining sts and fasten off. Using mattress stitch, seam the back of the ghost.

Weave in any ends and wet block. I like to stuff a cotton ball into the head of the ghost as it dries to get it to hold its shape. Once dry, thread a length of jewellery wire through each of the cast on sts, and twist closed to secure. You can now create little folds or ripples at the base of your ghost for that ‘sheeted’ look, and which will help it to stand up.

I drew the ghosts eyes directly onto the fabric using a sharpie, but you could duplicate stitch them if you are feeling patient.

Abbreviations used:

k - knit

k2tog - knit 2 sts together as though they are 1 stitch

p - purl

p2tog -purl 2 sts together as though they are 1 stitch

sts - stitches


Let’s Make a Blanket - Part 2.